Book Review - Winning the Profit Game: Smarter Pricing, Smarter Branding

The Ultimate List of Great Books on Pricing
Individual Book Review:
Winning the Profit Game: Smarter Pricing, Smarter Branding
Book Author: Robert G. Docters, Michael R. Reopel, Jeanne-May Sun and Stephen M. Tanny
This extensive guide to maximizing profits offers refined, yet common-sense practices that turn value into money - making pricing a convincing, high-return activity, essential to the development of new services and products.
Winning the Profit Game is one of the books selected from The Ultimate List of Great Books on Pricing we have compiled. Pick up a book or two - to help you charge the right price for your products or services.
Continue reading through our review of Winning the Profit Game below!
This book introduces a powerful and simple solution for businesses to improve their bottom line by shifting their focus to growing the top line. The authors introduce two concepts and tools for producing top line growth through brand and price. This comprehensive guide to maximizing profits offers simple approaches to turn value into money and make pricing a logical, high return activity, integral to the development of new products and services. it gives you instant access to tools and techniques that can boost your profits at all economic times and situations. The book also teaches how to penetrate new markets and transform your organization into a price-brand powerhouse.
Key perspectives discussed in ´Winning the Profit Game´ include:
- Proven strategies for transforming added value into revenues and winning the war for profits
- Prescriptive frameworks for putting the principles and strategies into action, immediately
- Numerous success stories based on experiences of A. T. Kearney clients worldwide
- Price and Branding: segmentation and branding.
- How to set a price and create revenue: Use price as a language to consumers.
Winning the Profit game delivers valuable insights and tools for all business leaders from entrepreneurs to Pricing Professionals. If you want to learn how to price, brand and product can be linked to achieve this, then this book is a must read for you!
Happy Reading!
The authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide.
Robert G. Docters is a partner in i2Partners L.L.C., a boutique price and intellectual consulting firm.
Michael R. Roeopel is a senior officer in A. T. Kearney's strategy practice.
Dr. Jeanne-Mey Sun is a consultant with A. T. Kearney.
Stephen M. Tanny is a professor at the University of Toronto.