Ultimate List of Great Books on Pricing

Almost all companies struggle to price right. They use methods such as cost plus a fixed margin. They use guesses and gut feel. They peg their price to a competitor’s. They price themselves too low, leaving money on the table, or too high, forsaking sales volume. They lose out on the profits they should be earning.
One of the most important components of business strategy involves navigating the difficult world of pricing. The books that are suggested below, include a variety of viewpoints and insights that can assist you in creating a strong pricing plan, avoiding typical mistakes, and eventually increasing the profitability of your business.
Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, these resources are invaluable companions on the journey to mastering the art and science of pricing.
Pick up a book or two - to help you charge the right price for your products or services. We will be posting our regular reviews of the individual books soon, so make sure to subscribe to our blog for regular updates!
Disclaimer: The order of the books in the list below does not convey quality or value. They are all good books about pricing. Also, we do not have any stake in promoting these books. We really just want you to get the best books on pricing!
Happy reading.
The Pricing Roadmap: How to Design B2B SaaS Pricing Models That Your Customers Will Love– Mark Stiving
In this innovative book, “Selling Value”, the author dives into the concept of value and provides insightful strategies for businesses to enhance their offerings and capture the interest of the consumers.
Game Changer: How Strategic Pricing Shapes Businesses, Markets, and Society– Jean-Manuel Izaret and Arnab Sinha
Aims at demonstrating how organizations can thrive over the long haul by emphasizing mutually beneficial growth and value exchange with clients rather than taking advantage of them in a zero-sum manner.
Monetizing and Pricing Sustainability: Beyond Good Intentions: Transform Your Go-to-Market for Sustainable Impact– Stephan M. Liozu
Stephan takes an interesting approach by guiding readers on a journey towards the future where profit and sustainability aren't mutually exclusive, but indeed interconnected. The book doesn't plan to change pricing but uses what exists today and applies it with sustainability at the forefront.
-Confessions of The Pricing Man – Hermann Simon
One of the World´s leading experts on pricing strategy breaks down the process and how to maximize value through pricing to company and customer.
-Value-Based Pricing: Drive Sales and Boost your Bottom Line by Creating, Communicating and Capturing Customer Value - Harry MacDivitt and Mike Wilkinson.
An innovative Pricing Model for the New Business Landscape and a step-by-step guide to help you reexamine the reality of the value you offer your customers.
The Psychology of Price- Leigh
The Psychology of Price , explains the science behind pricing and includes practical advice on pricing strategies and techniques that can be instantly applied, as well as expert recommendations to help businesses understand consumer behaviour and reach higher sales.
The 1% Windfall - Rafi Mohammed.
Foremost pricing expert Rafi Mohammed shows businesses how to pick up a financial windfall and stimulate growth using the often negltected strategy of setting prices. This book shows how moderate cumulative changes to an everyday business process- pricing- can yield important rewards.
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing - Thomas T.Nagle, John E.Hogan, Joseph Zale
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing explains how to manage markets strategically, instead of commonly calculating price based on product and profit―in order to boost competitiveness and the utility of their offers.
Pricing: The Third Business Skill - principles of Price Management - Ernst Jan
Pricing: The Third Business Skill describes in a simple and clear manner how to set optimum selling prices for your business, and compose a high quality pricing strategy, using accessible models and examples.
Priceless: Myths of Fail Value - William Poundstone.
The bestselling author William Poundstone reveals in this book the mysterious psychology of value. Using psychological experiments as examples, he describes how people are unable to measure "fair" prices precisely. Consumers are heavily influenced by unconscious and irrational decisions.
Power Pricing - Robert J. Dolan and Hermann Simon
The authors, combine their international expertise and knowledge to acknowledge the current breakthroughs in pricing startegies. making use of their firsthand experience with global firms, they display the logic behind the latest practices of "power pricers" hooked in cutthroat global competition.
Price Management - Hermann Simon
In this book, pricing experts Hermann Simon and Martin Fassnacht, integrate both quantititive and qualitative methods, highlighting the latest innovations in theory and practice in all areas of the field.
Pricing for Profit: How to Develop a Powerful Pricing Strategy for Your Business.- Peter Hill
Using a profit-focused business framework which was developed by the author by running real projects for real companies, Pricing for Profit shows you how getting your pricing structures right leads to massive differences in your bottom line.
The Art of Pricing - Rafi Mohammed
The Art of Pricing is a factual guide for decoding one of the most important problems in business: how to use price to expose hidden profits and discover new opportunities for growth. This book highlights best pricing startegies and explains the financial windfall that can be achieved from a small tweak in prices.
Pricing with Confidence - Mark R. Burton and Reed K Holden.
This book provides a roadmap to best pricing tactics using ten simple rules, to help you deliver robust profit margins as well as healthy revenue growth whilst giving up the feared discounting habit.
The Price Advantage - Michael V.Marn, Eric V. Roegner, Craig C. Zawada.
The Price Advantage, written by three distinguished pricing experts at McKinsey & Company, is a functional pricing guide for the executive or pricing professional who wishes to identify, gain, and sustain considerable pricing improvements in their business.
Contextual Pricing : The Death of List Price and the New Market Reality – Michael Barzelay and Robert G.Docters.
Contextual Pricing explains how consumers are influenced more by comparison points and contextual messages than by actual price levels. It explains how, if context is strategically managed, identical products can sell at entirely different prices to the same target customer.
Dollarizing Differentiation Value - Stephan Liozu.
Dollarizing Differential Value focuses on answering that "value" question effectively so that your organization thrives. The greatest winners in this century will have value-based strategies, value-based innovation, value-based marketing, and value-based pricing.
Monetizing Data : A practical Roadmap for Framing, pricing and Selling Your B2B Digital Offers - Stephan M.Liozu anf Wolfgang Ulaga.
This book targets data monetization and value-based pricing of data-driven actions. The authors present a newly-developed data monetization guideline that can be used to improve the framework of their offers and to apply the foundations of value-based pricing.
Pricing Segmentation and Analytics - Mark Ferguson and Tudor Bodea.
This book uses real sales data with mathematical optimization to set and update price offerings through different channels in order to boost profits. Pricing Segmentation and Analytics will teach students and professionals how to analyze and capitalize on pricing opportunities in various business contexts.
Monetizing Innovation: How Smart Companies Design the Product Around the Price – Madhavan Ramanujam.
In this book, the authors at Simon Kucher, condense the lessons of thirty years and more than 10,000 projects into a practical, nine-step concept. Monetizing Innovation has unique categories and efficient summaries to make the program part of your organisational culture.
Pricing and Revenue Optimization - Robert Phillips.
The authors, founders of Nomis Solutions, reveal the methologies from their courses taught at Columbia and StanfordBusiness Schools. The book provides the simple concepts of pricing and revenue optimization in a practical way to MBA students, MS students, and advanced undergraduates.
Principles of Pricing: An Analytical Approach - Lakshman Krishnamurthi and Rakesh V. Vohra.
This book gives an introduction to the core principles for understanding pricing. The authors use an analytical approach which differs from other marketing books on pricing, and relate concepts to the basic principles of microeconomics.
Free: The Future of a Radical Price - Chris Anderson.
In this book, The New York Times bestselling author, makes the fascinating case that in many ocassions businesses can profit more from giving things away than they can by charging for them. Free describes the fundamental business strategy to a company's survival.
Segmentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics -Mark Ferguson and Tudor Bodea.
Segmentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics teaches both students and professionals on how to determine and profit from management and pricing opportunities in various business contexts.
Smart Pricing: How Google, Priceline, and Leading Businesses Use PricingInnovation for Profitability.- Jagmohan Raju and Z.John Zhang.
In Smart Pricing, Wharton professors and esteemed pricing experts Jagmohan Raju and Z. John Zhang, make use of examples to describe how the latest pricing strategies can aid companies in creating and capturing value as well as customers.
Impact Pricing: Your Blueprint for Driving Profits - Mark Stiving.
Am I Pricing Right? Every business owner is obssessed by this question. Experienced pricing strategist Mark Stiving calls into play more than 15 years of experience in profitable pricing and conveys an efficient plan to help you positively answer this necessary question.
The ROI of Pricing: Measuring the Impact and Making the Business Case – Stephan Liozu, Andreas Hinterhuber.
This book, outlines present-day theories and favourite practices of documenting pricing ROI. It equips the reader with the methologies, practices and theories on how to measure the impact of pricing activities on performance.
The Pricing Journey: The Organizational Transformation Toward Pricing Excellence - Stephan Liozu.
The Pricing Journey provides a unified guide to the behavioral ,organizational, and social features of pricing―making use of the priniples of socio-technical change. Building on broad qualitative and quantitative research on multiple firms around the world, Stephan M. Liozu provides a practical guideline for management teams that aim to reach a higher level in pricing power.
Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices – Andreas Hinterhuber and Stephan M. Liozu.
Most companies, continue to use a cost or competitor based approach to set their prices. Companies prioritize product or business model innovation, whilst innovation in pricing has received minimal attention. This book examines how innovation in pricing can drive profits.
How to Price: A Guide to Pricing Techniques and Yield Management - Oz Shy
How to Price introduces the reader to diverse research results on pricing techniques in a combined, systematic manner and at varying levels of difficulty. The book includes extensive exercises and solutions and can therefore be used as a main or supplementary course textbook, as well as a reference guidebook.
Winning the Profit Game: Smarter Pricing, Smarter Branding - Robert G. Docters
This extensive guide to maximizing profits offers refined, yet common-sense practices that turn value into money -making pricing a convincing, high-return activity, essential to the development of new services and products.
Implementing Value Pricing: A Radical Business Model for Professional Firms - Ronald J. Baker.
This book proposes a shift from the business model "We sell time" to that of "We sell intellectual capital," and explores the requirements, complications, and opportunities that firms moving into this new business model will face.
Six Sigma Pricing: Improving Pricing Operations to Increase Profits - ManMohan S. Sodhi and Navdeep S. Sodhi.
The Six Sigma outlines how the goal of pricing operations is to routinely control price deviations overtime, ensuring prices aren´t too high or too low, in transactions and contracts targetting different target consumers.
Smart Data Pricing - Carlee Joe-Wong, Mung Chiang, and Sangtae Ha
Smart Data Pricing tackles the challenges caused by the rapid surge in demand for network, cloud, and content services and gives insight to the latest innovations in pricing these services to favour consumers, content providers and operators.
Setting Profitable Prices: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pricing Strategy--Without Hiring a Consultant - Marlene Jensen
Pricing expert, Marlene Jensen, equips you with result-driven strategies for assuring that you'll never again leave money on the table when setting prices. And how determining these more profitable prices efficiently.
Pricing Done Right: The Pricing Framework Proven Successful by the World's Most Profitable Companies - Tim Smith
Pricing Done Right provides an innovative groundwork for value-based pricing and clear advice on how to go from ideation to execution. You'll learn who should, and how to managed decisions , drawing on real-world case studies.
Don’t Just Roll the Dice: A Usefully short guide to Software pricing.- Neil Davidson.
This concise guidebook contains practical advice on how you should price your software. How much attention should you pay to your competitors? Through case studies you will learn how to stop yourself from reaching for the dice.

The Pricing and Profit Playbook - Joanne M. Smith
Pricing for Profit shows you how to understand the mystery of industry pricing and gain rewards that match the true value of the product or service being offered.

Handbook on the Psychology of Pricing - Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky
This book presents an all-inclusive selection of psychological pricing strategies and tactics directly available in the market and introduces you to the captivating insights into consumer psychology, people´s subconsious decision making and price perceptions.

No B.S. Price Strategy: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoner Guide to Profits, Power, and Prosperity - Dan S. Kennedy
Kennedy and Marrs describe how to avoid the 9 ultimate price and fee failures including the common concern about competitors’ lower prices, how to attract customers who buy by price, and how to bypass offering premium pricing options.
How to Price Effectively: A Guide for Managers and Entrepreneurs -Utpal Dholakia.
How to Price Effectively, is an adaptable, structured, easily understood methology for making and executing great pricing decisions. Pricing decisions are one of the most important, but commonly overlooked, and impactful business decisions that a businesspeople can make.
Negotiating with Backbone: Eight Sales Strategies to Defend Your Price and Value. - Reed K. Holden.
Premier pricing strategist and sales consultant Reed K. Holden shows you the latest pricing strategies and tactics needed to protect your margins and get the right transaction.
Pricing Strategy : How to price a Product - Bill Mc Farlane.
Bill Mc Farlane teaches you how to have a winning startegy that will help you increase sales and profit, using the 9 rules on how to price a product in this book. He also explains how increasing your prices might be the smartest move you've ever made.
The Oxford Handbook of Pricing Management - Ozalp Ozer
This complete guide to the theory and practice of pricing across different industries and methodologies, exposes the wide variety of pricing approaches that are used in different industries.
Pricing on Purpose - Ronald J. Baker
Pricing on Purpose analyses the importance of Pricing, one of the four Ps of marketing, often overlooked in business literature. Pricing is the way for a business to capture the value of what they offer the consumer.
Pricing Strategy: Setting price Levels,Manageing Price Discounts and Establishing Price Structures.- Tim Smith.

Written by recognized pricing thought leader and principal of a successful pricing firm, Tim J. Smith, this comprehensive book emphasizes the stakeholder's importance in making decisions, while highlighting key trade-offs to consider when choosing between opposing outcomes. In this book's balanced presentation of quantitative instruction and qualitative concepts, learn more about the influences that should guide your decision making.
Pricing and Human Capital: A Guide to Developing a Pricing Career, Managing Pricing Teams, and Developing Pricing Skills - Stephan Liozu
Pricing and Human Capital explores the specific nature of pricing human resources and focuses on how to manage pricing teams, pricing talent, pricing careers and how to organize the pricing function for success. It is dedicated to the pricing function and is aimed at helping pricing professionals manage their career within marketing, finance, sales or IT departments.
Innovation in Pricing - Stephan Liozu
This book is the only book dedicated to innovation in pricing and is an essential read for business executives, innovation managers and pricing managers wishing to treat innovation in pricing as seriously as they treat product, service or business model innovation. It is also valuable supplementary reading for advanced students of marketing and sales.
Pricing and the Sales Force- Stephan Liozu
Pricing and the Sales Force is the first book to link pricing strategy and the sales force together. Pricing strategy is now well established as an important means of driving profits for many organizations. Countless companies are now mastering price-setting. But what about "price-getting" – converting those list prices into the realized sales, and as a result, greater profitability? This is the domain of the sales force.
The ROI of Pricing: Measuring the Impact and Making the Business Case - Stephan Liozu
This book, edited by globally renowned thought leaders Andreas Hinterhuber and Stephan Liozu, is the first to outline contemporary theories and best practices of documenting pricing ROI. It provides proven methods, practices and theories on how to calculate the impact of pricing activities on performance. Marketing ROI is now a common concept: this collection proves to do the same for pricing.
Monetizing and Sustainability: Beyond Good Intentions - Stephan Liozu
Stephan takes an interesting approach by guiding readers on a journey towards the future where profit and sustainability aren't mutually exclusive, but indeed interconnected. The book doesn't plan to change pricing but uses what exists today and applies it with sustainability at the forefront.
Book Review - Selling Value: How to Win More Deals at Higher Prices - Mark Stiving
In this innovative book, “Selling Value”, the author dives into the concept of value and provides insightful strategies for businesses to enhance their offerings and capture the interest of the consumers.
Book Review - Game Changer: How Strategic Pricing Shapes Businesses, Markets, and Society. - Jean-Manuel Izaret and Arnab Sinha.
This book aims at demonstrating how organizations can thrive over the long haul by emphasizing mutually beneficial growth and value exchange with clients rather than taking advantage of them in a zero-sum manner.
If your company is looking for best practices in understanding customers' willingness-to-pay and optimizing prices, please sign up for a demo or try our cloud-based price research platform for free: