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Book Review - Win Keep Grow: How to Price and Package to Accelerate Your Subscription Business

The Ultimate List of Great Books on Pricing 
Individual Book Review
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Win Keep Grow: How to Price and Package to Accelerate Your Subscription Business

Book Author: Mark Stiving Ph.D. 

Why do some subscription businesses struggle while others excel?

The difference comes down to their grasp of how to effectively build and scale products that generate consistent recurring revenue. Insights like this, are found in this book, which guides readers through understanding the essential differences of subscription models, offering a comprehensive framework for accelerating growth, and addresses how to effectively transition a traditional business into a subscription-based one.

This book presents a well-rounded framework for accelerating growth, while also helping businesses transition from traditional models to subscription-based systems. With clear, actionable tools, readers are guided through a process of resource prioritization, product management, and organizational communication. Stiving’s expertise infuses the book with “light bulb” moments, bringing fresh perspectives that businesses can immediately translate into practical strategies that businesses can implement right away.

Delving Into the Book

Win Keep Grow provides a solid foundation for success, providing entrepreneurs with a powerful, actionable blueprint for succeeding in the subscription business model.

If you're navigating the challenges of a subscription-based business, Win Keep Grow speaks directly to your needs. The author understands how daunting it can be to maintain steady growth, retain customers, or set up a pricing structure that works. His insights come from a place of experience, addressing the exact issues that can trip up subscription companies. This book cuts through the confusion and offers a clear, practical guide to help you streamline your business for sustainable growth and success. Readers can get a clear and practical roadmap to help elevate their subscription service with confidence, rather than feeling overwhelmed by complexities. 

Key Points

  • Framework for Success: The book introduces three key revenue buckets, acquisition, retention, and expansion, that companies must manage to thrive. Alongside this, it outlines three value levers (pricing, packaging, and communicating value) that, when mastered, significantly boost business growth. This framework is foundational for achieving and sustaining long-term success in a subscription-based model.
  • Evolving Product Strategies: As subscription products evolve, so must their management. Stiving uses real-world examples to show how businesses can adapt their approach over time, ensuring they meet customer needs and maintain profitability as the market changes.
  • Transition to Subscription: For businesses new to subscriptions, the book offers a roadmap for transitioning from traditional sales models. It prepares companies for the challenges they may face, equipping them with strategies to avoid common pitfalls and maximize the opportunities that a subscription model offers.

We’ve enjoyed reading this insightful book, especially after having the privilege of being a guest on Mark’s podcast. Our previous experience with his book Selling Value: How to Win More Deals at Higher Prices was equally rewarding, it is also a must-read for businesses wanting to excel in competitive environments, and Win Keep Grow perfectly complements it, providing crucial strategies for subscription models. It's an essential read to ensure your business is primed for growth and long-term success.

If you haven’t yet, revisit our Selling Value review and listen to the Pricing Impact podcast for additional expert tips.

Happy Reading!

Price Beam.

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Mark Stiving

 Mark Stiving Ph.D: The author is a passionate pricing educator with over 25 years of experience in pricing strategies. His primary focus is helping companies understand and leverage the concept of value. Through his global corporate training sessions and speaking at major conferences, Mark has taught the impact of pricing across industries. His pricing courses hold an impressive NPS of 81, and his podcast, Impact Pricing, boasts a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts. Mark believes that every company member influences the price customers are willing to pay, reflecting overall business performance.