Webinar Info: Assortment Optimization Through Willingness-to-Pay Insights

How many products should there be in an assortment, and how should they be priced individually? Does adding more products change the dynamics or psychology of customer choice? Or are there too many products that neither the customers nor the production department really can cope with?
This is a challenge in many industries. Classically, consumer goods manufacturers go through an assortment optimization (read: reduction of number of products) every few years as they also add many new innovations. But all kinds of other industries have similar challenges: how many car models to offer? What kind of software packages / plans should a Software-as-a-Service vendor offer?
Participants and viewers of the webinar will learn about
- Using willingness-to-pay insights to understand individual assortment items' value and power in the overall portfolio
- Clustering of willingness-to-pay to determine price ladders
- Predicting impacts of changes in the assortment using modern simulation tools from PriceBeam
- Anticipating competitive moves
The webinar will be available from January 14th, 2020. You can sign up here:
If you cannot make it on the day, you can still register through the same link and receive a recording by the end of this date.